Giving Back
I'm proud to say we have donated pianos to local schools, music organizations, theatres, etc. I have also been happy to donate my services as a piano technician to several great causes - Amie Karen Cancer Fund for Children, National Veterans Foundation, Friends of Animals, Huntington's Disease Society of America, etc.
We Do Not Take Any Piano Donations - No Donation Services
Here are photos of the Baldwin L Grand Piano that I donated to the Southern California Youth Philharmonic

These photos were taken by Dr. Robert Frelly; Founder and Artistic Director/Conductor of the SoCal Youth Philharmonic
One photo shows the Baldwin L Grand with younger students and the other being played in a rehearsal with the cello choir.
I restored the top end of this piano with new strings, tuning pins, new pin block, damper felts, refinished soundboard, regilded frame, replated hardware, etc. I also reconditioned the action and tuned it to A440 Concert Pitch.
Dr. Frelly and his associates were thrilled they were getting this grand piano and said it was going to be used as their main piano in the music conservatory and in concerts on their main stage.
Here are a few Letters of Thanks
SoCal Youth Philharmonic
Piano Donation
Maimonides Academy
Piano Donation
MACHA Theatre
Piano Donation
Silverlake Conservatory of Music - Piano Donation
Aish Los Angeles
New Digital Piano Donation
California School of the Arts
Cash Donation
Pet Adoption Fund
New Digital Piano Donation
Pet Adoption Fund
New Piano Donation
National Veterans Foundation

Wendie Malick, Tony Shalhoub, Tim Allen, and Barry Neikrug (who was the piano player on the stage), all starred in one of the funniest theatre productions called ‘Out Clause’ written by Joe Cacaci.
The performance at the Coronet Theatre (now called 'Largo at the Coronet'), was for one night only and the cast and I donated our time and services with the proceeds from the show going to the National Veterans Foundation.